Question: Who are your friends?
Who are the people you love spending time with and that you allow to speak into your life?
The people you decide to surround yourself with have a great influence on the kind of life you will have.
It is very simple: if you decide to surround yourself with people who have no ambitions, and have no desire to do anything with their lives other than party and be lazy...then guess what...that is the kind of life that YOU will have.
It is VITAL that the people you have as your 'inner circle' of friends are people who not only have big dreams, but have the work ethic and determination to see those dreams become a reality.
It says in the bible that He (God) gave His people the ABILITY to get wealth. It also says in Galatians 6 that 'a man reaps what he sows'. These principles work whether you believe in God or not. The multi millionaires (like Bill Gates and Alan Sugar (yes i love 'The Apprentice too :D)) and top athletes did not get to the top by just sayn 'i want to be the best' and doing nothing else. It took years and years of hard work and dedication to get them to where they wanted to go. Too many people are too impatient, they want everything NOW, without the hard work. I alos bet that their close friends are higher flyers in their field as well. Why would they have wasted time with people who content on just being 'mediocre'?
I can say that ALL of my closest friends have the desire and drive to be world changers. It is this reason that they are my friends, because that is what I want to be, and they help inspire and encourage me to carry on going for my dreams, especially when its tough going. I don't want to be mediocre in any area of my life, and so I want my friends to have that same desire.
My advice to you all is, if you have a bunch of no good, broke ass, too busy waiting in the queue to get their next benefit cheque to actually find themselves a job they are more than capable of doin, then DROP THEM. The only thing they have to teach you is how to be a loser.
I shall leave you with this bible passage from ecclesiastes that is very close to my heart, because friendship is SO important, so make sure that you are investing in relationship that are worthwhile..God bless
'There was a man all alone; he had neither son nor brother. There was no end to his toil, yet his eyes were not content with his wealth. "For whom am I toiling," he asked, "and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?". This too is meaningless, a miserable existence!
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no-one to help him up!' (ecclesiastes 4 v 7-10)
Who are the people you love spending time with and that you allow to speak into your life?
The people you decide to surround yourself with have a great influence on the kind of life you will have.
It is very simple: if you decide to surround yourself with people who have no ambitions, and have no desire to do anything with their lives other than party and be lazy...then guess what...that is the kind of life that YOU will have.
It is VITAL that the people you have as your 'inner circle' of friends are people who not only have big dreams, but have the work ethic and determination to see those dreams become a reality.
It says in the bible that He (God) gave His people the ABILITY to get wealth. It also says in Galatians 6 that 'a man reaps what he sows'. These principles work whether you believe in God or not. The multi millionaires (like Bill Gates and Alan Sugar (yes i love 'The Apprentice too :D)) and top athletes did not get to the top by just sayn 'i want to be the best' and doing nothing else. It took years and years of hard work and dedication to get them to where they wanted to go. Too many people are too impatient, they want everything NOW, without the hard work. I alos bet that their close friends are higher flyers in their field as well. Why would they have wasted time with people who content on just being 'mediocre'?
I can say that ALL of my closest friends have the desire and drive to be world changers. It is this reason that they are my friends, because that is what I want to be, and they help inspire and encourage me to carry on going for my dreams, especially when its tough going. I don't want to be mediocre in any area of my life, and so I want my friends to have that same desire.
My advice to you all is, if you have a bunch of no good, broke ass, too busy waiting in the queue to get their next benefit cheque to actually find themselves a job they are more than capable of doin, then DROP THEM. The only thing they have to teach you is how to be a loser.
I shall leave you with this bible passage from ecclesiastes that is very close to my heart, because friendship is SO important, so make sure that you are investing in relationship that are worthwhile..God bless
'There was a man all alone; he had neither son nor brother. There was no end to his toil, yet his eyes were not content with his wealth. "For whom am I toiling," he asked, "and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?". This too is meaningless, a miserable existence!
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no-one to help him up!' (ecclesiastes 4 v 7-10)
Hey Olu, just read this post and it inspired me! God has been challenging me recently about getting serious with Him and really investing my time to reap a reward. I have wasted sooo much of my life just drifting along doing whatever makes me feel comfortable in that moment. Now I need to start praying more, start sharing my faith more, start using all my time as effectively as possible. The pastor in my church yesterday mentioned the 'sacred cow' of having 'dreams'. Obviously it's important to have dreams... but you have to make them REALITY. glad God used me to express this fact to you. It still amazes me to think that God GIVES us the desires of our heart. We are so uick to settle for whatever comes along, or what we think we should do, but it doesn't have to be that way :D!!
By the way...what exactly IS your big dream?
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